About Spirit Unleashed

Bridging the Gap to the Real Self

Spirit Unleashed


Spirit Unleashed has been founded on the strong deep roots of experience. I have a diverse thirst to explore my inner knowing, my connection to the land and my intuition; this thirst has some-what been quenched over the years through life’s experience, farm life and also through the variety of courses I have undertaken.


Although my thirst has some-what been quenched, it is a thirst that will never truly be satisfied, a thirst that will continue to run deep within me propelling me ever onwards and upwards as I embrace all that life holds for me.

My work of the moment is as a facilitator, I assist my clients to re-connect to their bodies in order to hear the quiet whisper of their heart and spirit.

When we remember how to re-connect to our body, then we are able to hear what our body is saying; once we can hear, we are then able to use that inner wisdom to bring healing within.

As a facilitator, I support you on this inner journey to self-discovery through being the bridge to the real self. My work is all about exploring the beautiful dance and flow of energy that is available to each one of us if only we make the time and have the intension to weave a new and sacred path for ourselves; this enables us to become more alive, aligned, integrated, and connected with ourselves and the natural world around us which in turn affects all our relationships and how we live our lives.

Thus, all the threads of my work may appear separate, yet all can be intertwined and woven in a variety of weaves; whether that is Shamanic Healing, Drum Healing, Shamanic Journeying, House / Land Blessing, and Clearing, or any of the Workshops I run.

My personal web of life is not only a blessing to me, but it also informs how I work with my clients, the land, the spirits of the plants and trees, with Mother Earth and Grandfather sky; knowing that all aspects are relational and imperative to one-another.

The web I have woven is multi-faceted and flows and adapts to the needs of my client’s just like the ebb and flow of the sea, driven by momentum, moment by moment; thus, the work flows, creates, grows, and then integrates into the lives of others, culminating in a new rhythm, bringing a gift which enables one to flow and dance with the winds of life.

 llI lovingly offer you a thread from my own Tapestry of Life, all you need to do is take hold of it.

Spirit Unleashed invites you on an adventure that could change your life!